It was November 1, which means today we celebrate the international day of the vegan . I congratulate all those involved in this movement!
This holiday is a continuation of the Day of Vegetarianism, which is celebrated all over the world on October 1. The word Vegan came from VEGetariAN. In Russia, the great writer Leo Tolstoy is considered the founder.
Celebrating the day of the vegan began relatively recently - in 1994, the anniversary of the founding of the vegan society in Britain, which appeared in 1944.
It seems to me, - this is a useful holiday, everyone should know about the existence of "fags" that adhere to a non-standard type of food. People should understand that there is a choice that all animal products are replaced by plant products. After all, this is primarily a contribution to one's health, the health of children and, of course, to the future of the planet.
Feeding animal products has turned from a temporary means of survival into a food cult . There were many stereotypes: "a man must eat meat," "meat contains essential amino acids," "I can not eat meat" ... Everyone has his own excuse.
Most importantly, this way of life is not for everyone and it makes no sense to impose it on others. You can show by your example all the benefits of veganism (you look good, feel great, you have a lot of energy). People should themselves want to become a vegan or a vegetarian.
On the day of the vegan, you can abandon the usual diet for one day and prepare something new. Recipes can be found a huge amount, for example, in the article about the menu of vegan there are basic products that you can use. Plus, on the pages you will find many interesting recipes.
Congratulations to all once again with a vegan!